Our Design

Your soul, mind, and body will be treated to the best experience possible in our studio.

Simple, open classrooms with earth-toned floors that are smooth enough to evoke the beauty of nature and a clay effect when you are barefooted (in order to produce a warm feeling).

Additionally, it is uncluttered, natural, clean, and fresh.

Our Features

Our studio has all the amenities you would require, including a shower, lockers, changing rooms, a prayer area, and a bathroom.
You are also welcome to use our waiting area to relax while sipping on organic tea.

All the facilities mentioned are also provided in our private room.

Our boutique

Our boutique section offers variety of items such as sport clothes, Pilates and yoga socks, self-care products, and healthy snacks.

Our VIP room

With a physiotherapist and qualified trainer, we provide one-on-one special program in Pilates, yoga, and fitness. includes a shower, locker and waiting area.