
Pilates is a low-impact exercise that creates optimal strength through muscle balance and fine- tuning neuromuscular patterns.

Core strength is the foundation of how Pilates works, as it develops stability throughout the entire torso.

Pilates is based on six principles, which are: centering, concentration, control, precision, breath, and flow.

Calm and Co. Pilates classes include the following:

  • Meet Reformer – التعرف على الريفورمر
  •  Spine Relief – راحة العمود الفقري
  • Sculpt (level 1 & 2) – (2-1) نحت الجسم مستوى 
  • Adore Ur Core (level 1 & 2) – (2-1) – تقوية عضلات البطن (See Video)
  • Pilates Vs. Heartbeat – بيلاتس و دقات القلب 
  • Fit and Flex – لياقة و مرونة (See Video)
  • Power MAT – (متقدم) قوة  البيلاتس 


Yoga is an ancient practice that involves physical poses, concentration, and deep breathing. A regular yoga practice increases endurance, strength, calmness, flexibility, and well-being. There are many styles of yoga. A person should choose a style based on their goals and fitness level.

Calm and Co. Yoga classes include the following:

  • Rise & Shine – يوغا الصباح (See Video)
  • Hip Opener يوغا تقوية الورك
  • Heart Opener يوغا فتح القلب
  • Relaxing -يوغا الاسترخاء
  • Detox & Glow يوغا التوهج والتخلص من السموم
  • Back Painيوغا الام الظهر
  • Free Your Mindيوغا نحت الجسم
  • Flyيوغا الارجوحة (SeeVideo)
  • Recharge يوغا إعادة لشحن
  • Stress Release يوغا التخلص من التوتر
  • Energy Boost يوغا زيادة القوة
  • Pregnancy Yoga يوغا الحمل
  • Full Moon يوغا اكتمال القمر
  • Breath & Flow يوغا التنفس
  • Core yoga يوغا تقوية عضلات البطن
  • Sunset Fly Yoga (Outdoor) – (غروب الشمس) يوغا الارجوحة الخارجية 
  • Stick Yoga – يوغا العصا
  • Relaxing Fly Yoga – يوغا الاسترخاء بالارجوحة
  • Kids Yoga – يوغا الاطفال


"Fitness" is a broad term that means something different to each person, but it refers to your own optimal health and overall well-being.

Fitness includes five essential components: flexibility, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular endurance, muscular strength, and body composition.

Calm and Co. Fitness classes include the following:

  • Toning: full body – نحت كامل الجسم
  • Shaping the lower body – نحت الجسم السفلي
  • Shaping the upper body – نحت الجسم العلوي
  • Mobility and stretching – تمدد
  • Power hour – cardio – ساعة قوة
  • Stretching and Mobility – مرونة واطالة الجسم